07 November 2007

Visiting setting

I have much to blog about but I'm not feeling like tackling it chronologically at the moment. My long weekend is too much in my mind. There's something about the fellowship of writing together -- two people tapping at keyboards, one groaning or laughing and the other pausing and waiting for clarification; something about knowing each other's stories and talking about plot and characters and knowing we're both glowing when we're talking about our own characters, and yet really interested to hear of new developments in the other's; something about getting out in the setting of our novels and experiencing it (well, all right, we're both writing fantasy so we can't actually visit these worlds, but, strangely enough, we were both writing coastal scenes and happened to have the island's east and west coast handy...); something about long walks discussing structure and possibilities for restructure, and the importance of setting being atmospheric versus the impact of too much setting on pacing; the long conversations about technique and about books and about films...

1 comment:

Ellen said...

You've captured it exactly.